Worship Leader: Fr. Mike Read & Barb DeJeet Music Director: Tim Hallman, B.Mus.,B.Ed.
First Sunday of Advent, December 1, 2024
Christ United Church And St. John’s Anglican
“May we be able to sit at the place of waiting and preparation, with patience.”
Welcome / Announcements / Celebrations
Greetings From Fire Chief – Jeff Sargent
Land Acknowledgement:
Before we begin our worship with language that is ancient and music that comes from intentional community, it is important to acknowledge other ancient and intentional communities. Ancient and modern people have inhabited and continue to inhabit this land on which we worship. We are deeply grateful to be here and to ground ourselves in the land which has been a place where people have lived for thousands of years.
Lighting Of Christ Candle
Advent 1 Reading: (lighting of 1st candle)
Hope, in the midst of fear. Hope in the midst of sorrow.
Hope when it seems hopeless. God offers hope.
We come seeking that hope. We come seeking a new dream.
We come seeking God.
Let us pray for Emmanuel, let us pray for the insight that promised hope.
Opening Prayer: (unison)
Holy Mystery, we begin this season of Advent with some worry in our hearts. We begin with concerns for our families, our friends, our congregations and our world.
Fill our hearts with the hope of the season. Calm us as we move through this time of longer nights in the light that is to come. AMEN
Opening Hymn: VU 7 “Hope Is a Star” verse 1.
Passing Of the Peace:
As we greet one another with the words, “The Peace of Christ be with you.” may we discover the voice of God naming and blessing us with the promise and the hope of the Holy Spirit.
1 Thessalonians 3: 9 – 13 “How can we thank God adequately?”
Luke 21: 25- 36 “Signs in the heavens and on earth; parable of the fig tree”
Choir Presentation: “A Song of Advent” by Jon Paige
Reflection: Father Mike “What Good is a Fig?”
Responding Hymn: VU 713 “I See a New Heaven”
Invitation For Offering:
As we worship through this advent season, we receive the Good News that Christ comes to bring peace on the earth and good will to all people.
Let us respond to what God has already placed in our hearts and minds.
Offering Hymn: VU 542 “We Give You But Your Own.”
Offering Prayer:
Spirited God, your gift of hope comes to us through the advent of the Christ child. We offer these gifts back to you as signs of hope.
Hope that nestles into your loving presence; hope that these donations help turn the world upside down; hope that trusts in your promise of transformation; hope that opens us to strangers, to neighbors to enemies, and to friends. Bless our journey to the Way of Jesus. AMEN
Prepare Our Hearts for Prayer: VU 400 “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying”
Prayers Of the People and Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn: VU 686 “God of Grace and God of Glory”
Commissioning / Benediction
Hymn: Go Now in Peace
"A Village Church With A Heart For The World"
Christ United Church
12 Perth St., Lyn, ON, K0E 1M0
(613)498-0281 (Phone) (613)498-2589 (Fax)
lynunitedchurch@cogeco.net www.lynunitedchurch.com Follow on Twitter: @Ch1United